Knitting and other creations.

I started my blog in 2011, which was to be my year of knitting. I sucessfully knitted all of the gifts that I gave.
I learnt to knit at my Godmother's knee and have always taken it for granted.

2011 has drawn to a close but my blogging will continue, not just knitting but other creations too.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Fitness or Fatness

Fitness or fatness - This was the title of today's 'Choose Life's reading. The reading was about our bodies being temples with which we honour God. If we are to honour Him fully we should give ourselves the best opportunity to do this by being fit and healthy.

So today was the day of reckoning, it was the first weigh in after the excesses of Christmas. I had put on...but not as much as I feared I might have done.

My moment of choosing fitness started this time last year and as we move into 2018 my challenge is to maintain my weight loss but also to improve my fitness.

In October last year I was unfortunate enough to land up with Glandulafever...its taken it's toll and I'm still not 100%. As well as stripping me of energy, it's also stripped my core strength so as we move into 2018 I am working hard to build this up again, whilst being mindful that I can only use my energy once.

Today's reading also resonated with something I jotted down in the last few days, I think it was from Call The Midwife...

'The hands of the almighty are so often to be found at the end of our own arms'

It's all about how we use our lives to glorify God.

Monday 1 January 2018

The turn of the year 2017 becomes 2018

And at the tick of the clock 2017 ends and 2018 begins. A New Year full of hopes and potential. A clean slate...a new beginning.  And yet I believe that every day provides this opportunity to start again.

My 40 before 40 list was conceived to enable celebration of achievements. 40 feels like a milestone by which I had hoped for certain things in life to have happened. Life is different to that which I had hoped for.  It's not bad different just different. I trust however that there is a master plan that in the fullness of time that plan will unfold and the pieces will fall into place. I put my trust in God and hold fast to him knowing me before I was even concieved.

One of my 40 before 40 challenges was to read or listen to the bible in whole. This challenge was completed yesterday. I put it on the list because it was something I had never done. There are bits of the bible which quite frankly were a little tedious there were other parts however that were inspiring and encouraging. I have a new heroine to stand alongside Ruth. Esther was a woman of valour and one for whom I have a lot of respect.

As the new year begins there are still some gaps on the 40 before 40 list that are waiting to be filled. Having read the bible I shall this year be seeking to 'Choose Life' and shall be reading Simon Guillebaud's 365 readings for radical disciples.