Knitting and other creations.

I started my blog in 2011, which was to be my year of knitting. I sucessfully knitted all of the gifts that I gave.
I learnt to knit at my Godmother's knee and have always taken it for granted.

2011 has drawn to a close but my blogging will continue, not just knitting but other creations too.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


This morning on the way to work, I was stopped at a red light and glanced to my left out towards the Severn valley.  Against the gather grey storm clouds were the silhouettes of two birds riding the thermals.  I couldn't tell you what they were the light was such that it was on the beautiful, elegant silhouette that was apparent to me.  They flew with such grace, with such elegance and in that brief moment, I had a glimpse of what to me looked like freedom.  There were no predators in the sky, there was just the beautiful uninhibited swoop and glide of two birds enjoy the morning.

I hope today that you have a moment of freedom.