Knitting and other creations.

I started my blog in 2011, which was to be my year of knitting. I sucessfully knitted all of the gifts that I gave.
I learnt to knit at my Godmother's knee and have always taken it for granted.

2011 has drawn to a close but my blogging will continue, not just knitting but other creations too.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Awesome Giggles

Last night I went to a gig on ‘a school night’ it saw just awesome.  Now my idea of a gig is most likely not your idea of a gig.  It was a Stuart Townend gig and was a combination of worship and performance.  I just love group singing, not sure if the folk in front of me liked the group singing, it was too loud to tell!

It reminded me of a carol service I went to last year with some group singing.  My friend and I were singing our hearts our convinced we knew the tune only to discover, we did not!  As  the very professional singers around us sang up, we sang down, we collapsed in fits of giggles, infectious giggles, the sort that the more you try to stop them the more uncontrollable they become.  It wasn't really that funny but we were still giggling on our way home an hour or so later, in fact we only have to talk about it together and it sets us off again.

The thing is we are all different and different things make us giggle.  I hope that you have some moments of infectious giggling between now and Christmas, it’s good for you, it really is.

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